July 7 was a Japanese star festival day, when people write their wishes and hang on bamboo trees. So, we hosted Tanabata BBQ dinner at home this year. The weather was on us and we had a nice warm night to enjoy dinner in our front yard patio.
10 people gathered for this dinner, and I put together the entire meal for us!

With aperitif...we had special Bloc de Foie Glas, which I brought back from France in my last trip, along with aged "Yama-uni" miso-marinated tofu from Kumamoto, Japan, and cheese. We also snacked on (our regular) Donabe-roasted potatoes, which was cooked in tagine-style donabe, "Fukkura-san". Before the main course, it was Chap Chae (or Japchae...Korean-style glass noodle salad) with different kinds of mushrooms and vegetables.

Grilling time! On our Santa Maria BBQ Grill, we cooked "Ume-zu" Yakitori (chicken, marinated in my homemade natural plum vinegar), and steaks.

Main "protein" courses..."Ume-zu" marinated Yakitori, Steak, and Roasted Shio-koji Salmon with Plum Glaze (with homemade plum syrup). Condiments were Sesame Leaf Kimchi, and Shio-koji Guacamole. I also served colorful salad with miso-balsamic vinaigrette (with my homemade 2-year-aged miso), and donabe purple rice.

Dessert...Honey Pistachio Ice Cream, and Black Sesame Ice Cream. We had such a fun time together. Everybody wrote wishes on paper and hung on our fig tree (instead of bamboo!). Wow, we drank a lot of wine. Pretty good job, for 10 people?!

Happy Tanabata. Happy Donabe Life.