Tori Soboro has been one of my favorite rice dishes since I was a little child. I still think my mom makes the best tori soboro. She never measures anything when she cooks, but the result is always the same wonderful taste. I think my tori soboro is close to my mom's...the only difference is that I add a little amount of dashi stock when cooking the rice, to add the subtle layer in the flavor, but it's totally optional.
Also, when I get the beautiful daikon with the leaves at the farmers' market, I use the daikon leaves to add to the dish as another topping. Daikon leaves give the nice slight bitterness and the natural crunchy texture to the dish. Topping the dish with the egg yolk is for those who love the fresh egg, so it's also optional.
I posted the recipe in toiro's website, so please check it out!